
4.0 ( 6220 ratings )
效率 财务
开发 Procontinua Ltd

iScrimp makes it easy and fun to track your scrimping and see how much money you are NOT spending so you can put it toward something you really want.

Whether its a holiday, new laptop or even paying off debts, decide what you are saving for, then record your scrimping and the savings you make. Whether it is forfeiting your morning coffee, swapping taxi journeys for the bus, saving birthday money or selling your stuff, track it all in iScrimp and see your savings increase.

iScrimp keeps a running record of all your scrimping so you can look back and be proud of all your hard work. Want to be rewarded for your scrimping? Well you will achieve medals as you scrimp your way towards your goal.

- Set up Money Pots with a savings goal
- Record every saving you make and see it all add up
- Classify your savings as forfeits, swaps, sales, gifts and other
- View your savings log
- Track your progress towards your savings goal
- Earn medals as you save

Saving for a holiday? Set up a savings goal and earn medals as your savings add up. Whatever you are saving for, whether it is large or small, iScrimp will not only track it for you, but encourage you to keep scrimping and saving.

- Scrimping Tips show you where you can make savings
- Customize each savings goal with an icon
- Supports multiple currencies
- Easy to use

Start scrimping now with iScrimp.